Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Autumn comes quickly in New England

School started--for teachers only--today, so my husband and I hiked for two hours on a local in-town trail yesterday. The sky was cloudless blue and the temperature in the high 70s in the morning. The sounds and fragrances and sights refreshed us for the work ahead.

Today, I reconnected with old friends and we anticipate in our series of meetings the fresh year of connections with young people, which will start next Tuesday, the day after Labor Day. I will reveal to you that I do not enjoy cooking, but I was asked to bring a salad to our faculty lunch today, and I discovered this utterly delicious rice concoction. Who knew rice was a salad ingredient? Anyway, this will be my standard "takealong" from now on:

Mediterranean Rice Salad

Rinse, cook, and cool 1 1/4 c brown rice in 2 1/2 c water

Chop the follow vegetables fine (1/4 dice mostly):
medium cucumber (1 c)
small red pepper (1/2 c)
2 stalks celery
6ish scallions (scant cup)
1/4 c fresh parsley

Prepare dressing:
1 1/4 c plain nonfat yogurt
1/2 c nonfat mayonaise
1 large garlic clove, pressed
2 T lemon juice, 1 T rice vinegar
5-6 chopped fresh mint leaves (or1/4 t dry)
Salt and pepper to taste

Mix dressing into rice thoroughly, then add in all vegetables. Top w kalamata olives. Chill thoroughly--overnight works.

I paraphrased this recipe from a book left behind in Georgia, and will cite it ASAP. Meanwhile, try it. As my niece, Rileigh, says, "Try it! It's good for you! You'll like it!"

1 comment:

Andee said...

Hi, Sandy!
The trail looks beautiful and the recipe sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing it...I'll definitely try it sometime! See you Thursday, and have a great first few days of school! Andee