Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thursday, August 23, 2007
Comment on today's class

I'm taking a class on information literarcy, and we explored today. It took me more time than I wished to set up--I had less time to explore the site. That WAS frustrating, but, as usual, our teachers, Steve and Connie, came to the rescue. The real issue is my modern expectation of instant results, a result of increasing internet speeds, and not limited to me. We criticize kids for their inability to focus and a demand for instant gratification, but there's no wonder here. I think their brains are rewiring in that direction, one us older folk find hard to accept since we can't go there. Sandy (P.S. reminder to self: meet again 2 weeks from today, 3:15)

1 comment:

Mrs. Burns said...

Great photo on your blog, Sandy! Yes, we all are impatient with the speed of info and with our learning of new technology. Trying new technology applications and seeing how they work is important, and you are just such a risk-taker with technology. I'll be interested in seeing how your new classes respond to blogging. Thanks for your enthusiasm for the process we are learning about.